Lucy Hague

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Illuminated Knits book launch!

I'm back from Loch Ness Knit Fest now, and had a really great time (although I'm struggling a bit with the inevitable post-yarn-festival exhaustion + lurgy combination that seems to strike so many of us down after a show... ). I've been very busy packing and sending out orders to everyone who pre-ordered a copy of Illuminated Knits from my website. We're also arranging an official launch at Kathy's Knits - more info on that in a moment but first, some pics from Loch Ness Knit Fest! Here's a quick pic I managed to get of my stand...


... and here I am with my lovely parents, who made the trip down all the way from Orkney (it was the first time they'd come to see me a knitting show, so they were very excited about it!):


(My Dad spent most of his time in my stall hiding behind my mannequins - very stealthy!):

I didn't have time to chat to nearly as many folk as I would have liked to, but I did manage to get this quick snap with Cathy, the programmer behind Stitchmastery software (which I use for charting) and the Knitmastery app (we're wearing our matching Dunedin shawls!):


We will be having an official book launch for Illuminated Knits at Kathy's Knits (Broughton Street, Edinburgh) on Thursday 26th October, from 5pm to 7pm - everyone is welcome to come along! We'll have all the samples on display and I'll be signing copies of the book and talking about the designs. Hope to see you there!
